Okay yeah so i was so excited i kept taking pictures of myself in the car And when we got there Paul almost didn't let me take the camera in it was scary! He thought they would take it away from us and it said no cameras aloud but oh well were rebels i tried to get a pic of Larry but it really didn't turn out but it was so fun! Here's my pic i tried to get poor people in front of me my flash was so bright. I got scared and i hurried up and hid my camera away just in case the camera wouldn't take it. This is my sexy pout face pose in the car on the way! lol oh geezer His Act was at the energy solution center so I'm standing by Karl Malone making the dunk! I was saying i could see up his shorts but i was just kidden i really couldn't hes just a statue.yeah know!
This was my wedding present from Paul he wrapped it up in this big card he made it was so cut i will take pics and load them on! You guys will love it. I sure love you Paul and its been one year and i cant wait for the eternity together.