So this is how it went we go over to my parents house every Monday for family home evening ,This time Dave did the lesson he was a missionary we were the family he was teaching. Ben and Becka were our kids . The lesson was about faith so Dave taught it to us and we asked questions as if we were none members and occasionally one of my kids would ask questions of course they already knew the answer Becka asked "were is the church?" Ben asked "what is church" they got a pretty good kick out of it then Ben stated acting up Becka just turned to me and whispered I'm the big kid and Ben's little. I just had to laugh because at that time she was right she was being the bigger kid.And listening i just thought it was funny! here's some pics i took after the lesson. Oh yeah and after we watched a movie it was great!
This is Paul on our way there i told him to take a pic of him so hes saying me in this pic!lol!
This was after the lesson Dave was hungry!