Up Jeb is chillen in his awesome yellow floaty he was so chill!
Jebs so cute and his mom is so good with him.
Me Paul and Jess and clay all went out and played this weird game we made up while jeb was with his Grandpa having some bonding time:)
I love this pic Paul was walking Jeb around and Jeb would just stop randomly and just look up and smile at paul it was so cute it was like he was saying thank you Uncle paul your my favorite!
And this is my handsome Dad we all went to bear lake because my dads moving to Alaska.
We will miss him but Now that i have a blog he can look us up and of course we are going to call and visit I'm excited about that I've never been to Alaska! He is getting Married September 14th 2008 to Lenette she's totally awesome i;m so excited for her to be in our family and she's a lucky Gal getting my dad.
So much FUN! I love the blog! I can't wait for us to be able to do fun things together! Like our party! Hope to see you again soon!
Im glad things are up and running.
what party is shaunna talking about, you are funny. you spelled carl wrong sorry I just noticed and I thought I would tell you
We want to have a party with everyone like next weekend the 20 maybe a slumber party.
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