The good news is that I'm posting finally and me and Paul are doing GREAT!
We are loving the weather so much i planted a lot of plants here's a picture well i Planted all these seeds the funny thing is i planted corn and its the only thing that looks good right now.
I don't know why i did this but i Planted it in this cute Rectangular box so I'll ether have these big corn plants growing in this little pot or they will just die they look good right now though. We got a Humming bird feeder it's so cute I love it I hope the humming birds like it too! I hung it on this tree here i hope she holds Paul's welding me something in the mean time excuse the glare. Isn't it cute!
oh yeah and Paul insisted on buying a weed eater so we bought a gas one, well if you haven't heard one of these before it sounds similar to a chain saw.
I hate chain saws so when Paul was outside playing with it i went inside and I kept hearing it getting louder and louder and i turn around Paul's got the chain saw slash weed eater in the house it scared me so bad i said some not so nice things What a bugger later i laughed but not at the time Paul said my face was Priceless here's a pic of the New Toy of Paul's.
Amy the top of Utah marathon is in logan in September, you should do it.
Thanks for posting. I am loving the weather too. I am thinking a camping trip? I think Zack and I are going to the Ranch the weekend of may 30th.
That sucks about St. George but you will find another one. It is good news about you guys doing great and the humming birds are so cute. We use to have a feeder at that house too. It feel and broke though so it ended up in the garbage.
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