So Saturday we were invited to go to Miller Motor with Tj and Dan and the concert Kansas foreigner and Styx it was so much Fun i got to pose by a sweet monster truck I'm thinking about getting:)

We went to the DUCATI Tent i love saying Ducati so Fun And there Were Trick Bike Riders Oh my goodness they were cool!
We went to the DUCATI Tent i love saying Ducati so Fun And there Were Trick Bike Riders Oh my goodness they were cool!
This Was Paul's first Concert I'm glad we got to go it was outside and really nice.
I did get into a little fight with a drunk girl but other then that is was awesome Our favorite band was foreigner for sure they were the best! the lead singer was crazy dancing and climbing things!

We also got free thrill rides in the dodge cars it was so fun just spinning out with the drivers at first i was scared but when i got in the car it was Sweet i think that was my favorite the driver was sooo cool! OK maybe i had a little crush on him but so what you guys would too!
I know Paul did too lol Jk he was funny though he wanted to ride with my driver but i got him :) There was a Dodge Charger Challenger and a dodge Viper They had to change the tires so much it was crazy so we didn't get to ride in the viper I rode in the Charger and Paul Rode in the Challenger.
It Ended with Fire works I love Fire works!
Paul looks so much like Weston!
Why did you fight with a drunk girl?
You guys are so cute! Looks like you had so much fun!
Oh Because She Was Going All Crazy and Pouring her beer on everyone around her so i Took her beer away from her...
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