This was the 4th of July Parade in Tooele we ran the 5k with Pauls Dad, it was his 60th Birthday.
He wanted to run a 5k for it so we did it and we finished it started a little late but that was alright it gave us time to warm up and it gave Pauls Dad some some to get rid of his jitters he was such a trooper.
Des ran it with us also it was Fun because everyone knew Paul so they were all cheering him on and wishing him a happy Birthday.
This was Before the race our race Faces!
Paul stayed With Donnet and Michelle and Jasper Im pretty sure Jasper enjoyed himself because when i got back he had a little sucker in his mouth! Daddy likes feeding him all sorts of good treats.
we have been swimimg alot thanks to michelle she just picks us up and off we go Jasper LOVES Swimming! Hes always so relaxed!
Jasper is Five Months He is getting so big! He always smiles even when hes crying he is so cute I cant believe he will be crawling pretty soon AHHH thats kind of scary we need to Baby Proofour House Get Tile and some moldings..... Should be alot of fun though:) Im excited!
1 comment:
Jasper is such a cutie! Good job to all of you on the race. I would love to run a race sometime. You should give me some hints on training. :)
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