Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jasper's 1st birthday!!!!:)

Jasper's birthday was a huge success:) I was a little stressed last night but it came together so nicely!
Thank you family for coming and having so much fun with us.
Jasper loved all of his presents he got he got a new cat!
He loves saying kitty kitty kitty. So cute.
Jasper got to play with one of his buddies warren I was so happy to see them! I tried to get some pics of them playing together.


Michelle Jensen said...

That is so cute. I love the picture of Jasper in his high chair. I also like the picture where it looks like the cat and Bruce might get along eventually... How did you manage that one? Nice party Amy. Thanks for letting us come :)

AmyJane said...

Thanks for coming! Jasper is pretty luck to have such a great family to support him!:) Bruce just wants to be friends with the cat:)

Jess said...

Jeb was like oh, did he get a sheep also? When he saw the picture of your cat lying on the couch i thought that was pretty funny. what a cutie I love how he walks, good little walker.